Women’s Health Month: Tips for Women Over 50

Elder Care Indian Hill OH - Women’s Health Month: Tips for Women Over 50

Elder Care Indian Hill OH-Women’s Health Month is a time to celebrate women’s health and focus on the needs of women over 50. They need help taking care of their health, and Queen City Elder Care wants to talk about it!

Healthy New Years Resolutions for Senior Citizens

Elder Care Indian Hill OH - Healthy New Years Resolutions for Senior Citizens

Elder Care Indian Hill OH-Resolutions gives seniors a goal to achieve and a sense of accomplishment. Queen City Elder Care has some suggestions for aging adults to make healthy living changes in the new year.

Breast Cancer Awareness for Seniors

Home Care Indian Hill OH - Breast Cancer Awareness for Seniors

Home Care Indian Hill OH-If you are seeing a lot of the color pink this month, it is because October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Queen City Elder Care in Cincinnati, OH has a few tips for breast cancer prevention and early detection.

September is Healthy Aging Month

Elder Care Indian Hill OH - September is Healthy Aging Month

Elder Care Indian Hill OH-In honor of September’s Healthy Aging Month, Queen City Elder Care in Cincinnati, Ohio would like to share a few tips on how to stay younger, longer!

Ways For Seniors to Stay Hydrated and Safe this Summer

In-Home Care Indian Hill OH - Ways For Seniors to Stay Hydrated and Safe this Summer

In-Home Care Indian Hill OH-Queen City Elder Care is located in Cincinnati, Ohio which can see it’s fair share of high temps but no matter where your aging loved one is located it is important to follow these summertime tips!

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