
Signs of Caregiver Burnout

It’s natural to want to take care of your loved ones at times when they need you most. However, there is such a thing as caregiver burnout. Being a caregiver can be a demanding and emotionally draining job. You spend so much time worrying about the health of your loved one it’s easy to let your own health slip.  Here are some signs that you may be burnt out and it’s time to find additional help.

  1. Mood Swings:  Can you go from sad to angry to indifferent all within a span of a few hours? Caregiving can be an emotional ride and you might be suffering from severe mood swings. It’s ok to experience some sadness or anger but if any of your emotions are extreme, it’s time to get some additional resources to help with your caregiving.
  2. You’re Always Sick: Stress caused by caregiving can weaken your immune system. If you seem to be catching every virus that comes your way, you could be affected by stress more than you think. It’s time to lower your stress levels caused by caregiving.
  3. Loss of Appetite: Do you feel so busy that you don’t even have time to eat or take care of yourself? Or perhaps you’ve lost your appetite all together? These are all signs of caregiver burnout.
  4. Exhaustion: If you suddenly have trouble sleeping or you still feel exhausted after a full night’s sleep, this could signal a burnout. Good sleep is key to overall health.
  5. Dangerous Thoughts: If you have thoughts of suicide or harming someone else, seek professional help right away.

Remember a healthy mind and body is not only beneficial to you, it is beneficial to your loved one.

If you live in or near Cincinnati, Ohio Queen City Elder Care can help ease caregiver burnout. Our trained professionals are here to take partial or the entire burden off your shoulders so you can regain control of your own health.

Mark & Michele Vollmer

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