
Discussing ‘Senior Care’ with Your Parents

Senior Care Villa Hills KY-Perhaps you’ve wanted to talk to your elderly mother or father about senior care for a while, but any time you breathe close to the subject, things get heated. People get emotional.
Senior Care Villa Hills KY - Discussing ‘Senior Care’ with Your Parents

Perhaps you’ve wanted to talk to your elderly mother or father about senior care for a while, but any time you breathe close to the subject, things get heated. People get emotional. There might be a wide range of reasons why your mother or father, or both, have simply shut down the conversation before it could get started.

Senior Care Villa Hills KY - Discussing ‘Senior Care’ with Your Parents
Senior Care Villa Hills KY – Discussing ‘Senior Care’ with Your Parents

In your mind, you may honestly feel that this would just be a discussion.” Nothing more. But, have you ever considered what it might feel like from their perspective?

Some seniors may view the topic as an attack.

Not an attack on them, but their independence. You have to understand that when people age and begin dealing with health issues, physical challenges, injuries, are recovering following a major medical emergency, they are already dealing with tremendous emotional strain and stress.

They worry about their mortality. They feel it far more intimately than any other time in their life. And now, if you begin talking about senior care, they might have a certain image in mind they don’t want to face.

For them, it might be a nursing home. Many people don’t have a positive impression of nursing homes, even though they understand the necessity of them. That’s because many nursing homes are understaffed and the nurses there are overworked.

That can lead to some poor conditions. And, when you have certain preconceived notions about what this type of senior care provides, it seems to paint all other types of senior care with the same brush.

That’s why it’s so important to stop and listen to their thoughts on senior care.

When you sit down to talk about something like senior care, and your elderly mother or father is immediately pushing back, saying they don’t want to hear it, find out why.

Instead of trying to tell them why you believe it would be the best option for them at this moment, ask them to explain their resistance to just talking about it.

Also, when you bring up the topic, let them know it is their decision. Not that you have the right to make it their decision because it already is, but you want them to know you recognize their independence and autonomy. You want them to realize you are not forcing something upon them they will absolutely refuse.

When you listen and reassure them, it becomes easier to get the topic out in the open so you can all talk about it more freely.

If you or an aging loved one is considering hiring Senior Care Services in Villa Hills KY, please contact the caring staff at Queen City Elder Care today. Serving Cincinnati and Surrounding Communities. Call Us Today (513) 510-4410.

Mark & Michele Vollmer

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