What Kinds of Relaxation Techniques Are Right for Your Aging Adult?
Home Health Care in Loveland OH: Everyone responds differently to relaxation techniques. That’s why it’s such great news that there are so many choices available to your aging adult when she wants to let go of some stress.
Why is Blood Pressure so Important
Senior Care in Villa Hills OH: About 75 million American adults have high blood pressure and only about half of these people READ MORE
Grief Support in Senior Care
Losing a loved one is never easy. Experienced senior care providers are trained in helping families prepare for and cope with the end-of-life process of the ones closest to them. Grief is very much a part of the work we do at Queen City Elder Care. Here are a few tips we’ve learned along the […]
Senior Driving Safety Tips
Did you know that Ohio is one of the top 20 most dangerous states for seniors to drive? And, the state does not have stricter driving rules for those age 65 and older. It is important to continually evaluate your driving skills. Here are a few of our tips! Communicate: Start by having an open […]
Senior Vacation Tips
Should I stay or should I go? That’s a common question that plagues senior citizens at the height of travel season. With so many unknowns that come along with traveling these days, planning a trip can be daunting. Whether you plan on flying across the country, cruising to an exotic locale or taking a […]
Beware of Summer Scams That Target Seniors
Senior scams can happen any time of year. But there are some particular scams that happen more frequently in the summer months. We here at Queen City Elder Care want to spread awareness of these senior scams so you or your loved ones can avoid them! IRS Scam: You might receive a call from the […]
Reversing Heart Disease
With American Heart Month happening every February, Queen City Elder Care is dedicated in spreading awareness and offering helpful tips on how to reduce your chances of getting heart disease or even reverses it. We are offering a new way to approach your heart health. Based on the research in The Ageless Heart Manual by […]
Holiday Gift Guide for Elderly Parents
Who wouldn’t want to make their parent’s life at least a little bit easier? Here at Queen City Elder Care, we know that there are certain challenges aging seniors face on a daily basis. So we’ve rounded up a list of items that may alleviate some of those challenges. Check out our great gift […]
Alzheimer’s Disease Needs Your Attention
The recent Newsweek article titled “Alzheimer’s Is Expensive, Deadly and Growing. So Where’s the Research Money?” perfectly sums up the crisis that is going on in America. Alzheimer’s research is extremely underfunded and the disease is growing by leaps and bounds. The article states that by the year 2025, the number of people age 65 […]
Should I See a Rheumatologist?
According to The National Academy of Aging Society, almost half of all elderly people have arthritis, and the elderly population is the fastest-growing segment in the U.S. Projections indicate that by 2020, almost 60 million people, or about 20 percent of the population, will have arthritis. There are over 100 rheumatic diseases under the umbrella […]