
National Senior Citizen Day

Senior in wheelchair with young adult

Senior Citizens Day was established by President Ronald Reagan in 1988. Each year this day falls on August 21. It was established to show the vital contributions that senior citizens have made in the history of America. It is also a day to acknowledge the valuable contributions that they make to communities around the country. It’s important to use this day to thank senior citizens and to let them know that they are appreciated and deserve respect. While the world’s senior population is on the rise, the majority of older Americans are healthy, independent, and living fulfilling lives. We here at Queen City Elder Care are proud to help seniors age in place longer with the help of our in-home caregivers.

Here are some ways to celebrate Seniors on this day!

National Senior Citizen’s Day can be celebrated by taking a senior citizen you know out for lunch or dinner and sharing stories with them. Another way to celebrate is by helping them with errands such as grocery shopping or taking them on a walk around the neighborhood. If you aren’t able to visit your own grandparent or elderly aunt or uncle, consider volunteering at an assisted living home for the day. The residents will be happy for any company!

If you can’t make the time to see your loved one in person, send an email card or handwritten note of thanks to someone who has made an impact on your life – whether that’s a parent or grandparent who has spent years caring for you; a teacher who helped shape your character; someone who has served as a role model; or someone else who has had an impact on you in some way.

There is a lot to learn from our seniors and we hope that you honor them today and always!

Mark & Michele Vollmer

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