
Best Sleep-Inducing Foods for the Elderly

Home Care Services Hyde Park OH-There are some sleep-inducing foods that your elderly loved one can choose from. Home care services can help with the shopping of these foods.
Home Care Services Hyde Park OH - Best Sleep-Inducing Foods for the Elderly

Does your elderly loved one have trouble falling or staying asleep? Many senior citizens don’t get enough quality sleep. If this is the situation that your elderly loved one is in, there are numerous natural ways they can fall asleep easier. One of the things they can do is to pick from a list of foods to eat. There are some sleep-inducing foods that your elderly loved one can choose from. Home care services can help with the shopping of these foods.

Home Care Services Hyde Park OH - Best Sleep-Inducing Foods for the Elderly
Home Care Services Hyde Park OH – Best Sleep-Inducing Foods for the Elderly


One of the sleep-inducing foods that your elderly loved one can choose is almonds. Almonds have magnesium in them. Research shows that magnesium helps people to fall asleep and stay asleep for longer. If your elderly loved one does choose almonds to help them sleep, they should have a handful of them after their dinner, before they go to bed.


Another food that can help your elderly loved one to sleep is cheese. Have you ever heard that a cup of warm milk can help you to fall asleep? Well, it is the dairy that helps with this. Cheese has calcium in it. Calcium helps the brain to make and release melatonin. Melatonin is the chemical the body needs to get quality sleep.


Your elderly loved one can eat salmon to help them sleep better, as well. Salmon is filled with Vitamin B6. This vitamin is essential for quality sleep. It helps with sleep regulation. It also helps with the metabolization of tryptophan. This is needed to induce sleep and help people to stay asleep longer, as well. If your elderly loved one doesn’t like salmon, they can replace it with pistachios, halibut, or tuna.

Cherry Juice or Tea

If your elderly loved one is having a difficult time falling asleep, another thing that can help them is cherry juice. This should be tart cherry juice. This type of juice helps to fight insomnia and promotes more restful sleep. If your elderly loved one doesn’t like cherry juice, they can replace it with tea. There are numerous types of tea that have sleep-inducing properties. Chamomile tea is one of the best for helping people to get quality sleep.

How Home Care Services can Help

These are some of the foods and drinks that your elderly loved one can use to help improve their sleep. If needed, you or a home care services provider can go to the store today to get your elderly loved one these things.


The Best Foods To Help You Sleep

If you or an aging loved one is considering hiring Home Care Services in Hyde Park OH, please contact the caring staff at Queen City Elder Care today. Serving Cincinnati and Surrounding Communities. Call Us Today (513) 510-4410.

Mark & Michele Vollmer

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