Healthy Vision Month: Senior Tips

Do your prescription glasses need updating? Perhaps your vision has been blurred in recent months. You aren’t alone. In the U.S., over 177 million people suffer from some sort of vision loss.  May marks Healthy Vision Month and Queen City Elder Care would like to share some tips to keep your vision sharp all year […]

Celebrate National Nurses Week

Queen City Hospice and the rest of the nation are celebrating National Nurses Week from May 6th – 12th. National Nurses Week occurs on the same dates every year with May 12th marking the birthday of Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing. The American Nurses Association calls attention to all registered nurses during this […]

National Stroke Awareness Month

  May marks the start of National Stroke Awareness Month. It is widely perceived that having a stroke is unpreventable, but that is not the case.  Queen City Elder Care would like to discuss how to look out for the signs of a stroke and ways to prevent them. It’s a fact that anyone, regardless […]

National Volunteer Week: Benefits of Volunteering

Sunday, April 21st marks the start of National Volunteer Week 2013. According to, National Volunteer Week focuses national attention on the impact and power of volunteerism and service as an integral aspect of our civic leadership. The site mentions that “The week draws the support and endorsement of the president and Congress, governors, mayors […]

Obstacles to Family Care-Giving and How to Overcome Them

There may come a time when your significant other or parents will depend on you to take care of them for any number of reasons. Whether they suffer from Alzheimer’s, had a stroke or been diagnosed with cancer; the fact of the matter is they will need someone to look after them. The Journal of […]

National Healthcare Decisions Day

Have you ever wondered how you or your loved ones would handle end of life decisions? The topic may not be top of mind for most, but it’s important for all Americans to ensure that their future healthcare choices are known and protected. A recent ABC News story highlighting “The Conversation Project” points out the […]

Do You Recognize Early Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s?

These days, some of the statistics you read about Alzheimer’s dieses are staggering. Did you know that according to SarahCare at DTC, someone develops Alzheimer’s every 68 seconds? And, 1 out of 3 seniors in the U.S. will be diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or some other form of dementia. At Queen City Elder Care in Cincinnati, we […]

What is Diabetes Alert Day?

The fourth Tuesday of March is American Diabetes Alert Day and at Queen City Hospice & Palliative Care, we are spreading awareness by asking our readers to take the Diabetes Risk Test to find out if they are at risk for type 2 diabetes. According to, the disease affects approximately 26 million children and […]

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