Senior Winter Safety Tips

Elder Care Indian Hill OH - Senior Winter Safety Tips

Elder Care Indian Hill OH-With wacky weather and sub-zero temperatures across the country, Queen City Elder Care in Cincinnati, Ohio wanted to provide some senior safety winter tips.

How Seniors Should Prepare for Flu Season

Senior Care Loveland OH - How Seniors Should Prepare for Flu Season

Senior Care Loveland OH-With flu season upon us, it is more important than ever for senior citizens and aging adults to prepare. Seniors are most at risk for developing serious health complications due to the flu.

National Breast Cancer Awareness Month for Seniors

In-Home Care Amberley OH - National Breast Cancer Awareness Month for Seniors

In-Home Care Amberley OH-October is National Breast Cancer month and when you will start seeing PINK all around! We here at Queen City Elder Care wanted to share some insight into increasing breast cancer awareness in older women.

Oral Health Tips for Seniors

Senior Care Indian Hill OH - Oral Health Tips for Seniors

Senior Care Indian Hill OH-Considering many health professionals agree that dental health is connected to your overall health, it is especially important for aging adults to take care of their mouth.

Healthy Aging Month

Elder Care Hyde Park OH - Healthy Aging Month

Elder Care Hyde Park OH-September is Healthy Aging Month and here at Queen City Elder Care, we would like to share some tips for seniors to look and feel their best as they age.

Diabetes Awareness: What You Need to Know

In-Home Care Loveland OH - Diabetes Awareness: What You Need to Know

In-Home Care Loveland OH-Diabetes can affect you physically and emotionally. It is natural to have mixed feelings about your diabetes management and experience highs and lows. Take steps to reduce the negative impact they could have on your selfcare.

Reducing Fall Risk in Seniors

Senior Care Montgomery OH - Reducing Fall Risk in Seniors

Senior Care Montgomery OH-One in four seniors aged 65 and over fall each year. Falls are also the leading cause of fatal injury in seniors. Queen City Elder Cares is here to help.

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