
5 Signs That Your Elderly Parent Needs In-Home Care

At first glance, signs that your aging parent needs additional in-home care can be subtle. Knowing what to look for is key to protecting the safety of your elderly parent. Queen City Care specializes in Elder Care services and we’ve seen many cases where people have missed the signs of their parents’ increasing need for help in the home. Here are five signs to look for when assessing the need for in-home care.

  1. Mail Pile: Are you noticing that mom and dad have stopped opening their mail? Or perhaps they’ve stopped cleaning up after dinner?  Letting go of everyday tasks could be a sign of an increasing need for care.
  2. Worsened Hygiene:  If your aging parent seems to be skipping showers or has an overall decrease in personal hygiene, these are prime examples of areas they may need additional help in.
  3. Missing Appointments: When your parent regularly forgets important tasks like taking their medications or missing doctor’s appointments, it is time to get additional resources to help them stay on track.
  4. Difficulty Walking: A loss of mobility will certainly cause frustration to build and it could cause some serious falls. Having a caregiver will eliminate some of the risk of falling in the home.
  5. General Confusion: Catch the symptoms of early Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia and have a helping hand with a trained caregiver in the home.

Making the decision to get your parent additional help can be a difficult one. It is important to research a caring and trustworthy caregiver. Sites like are a perfect place to start!

Mark & Michele Vollmer

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