
What Can You Say When Someone Asks You Why You’re Having Such a Difficult Time with Caregiving?

Caregivers in Madeira OH: Sometimes people say things to caregivers without realizing how insulting those statements and questions are. When you're looking for help, people might even ask you why you're making such a big deal out of it.
Caregivers in Madeira OH: What Can You Say When Someone Asks You Why You’re Having Such a Difficult Time with Caregiving?

Asking for help from friends and family members shouldn’t be difficult for family caregivers, but unfortunately, some of the responses that they receive can keep them from doing so. If you’ve ever had someone ask you why you need so much help, anyway, these responses might come in handy.

“It’s Harder than You Think.”

If the person that you’re talking to has never been a family caregiver, there’s no way for that person to understand how difficult caregiving is both emotionally and physically. In fact, caregiving is probably a lot more difficult than you thought it would be when you first embarked on the journey. No one can ever be fully prepared for the journey until they’re on it.

“No One Is on Call All Day, Every Day.”

For some reason, lots of people expect family caregivers to be alright being the only person on the job, all day and all night. That’s not realistic and it’s dangerous for your health. You need occasional breaks and that means that usually someone has to take over for you in your absence, it’s as simple as that.

“Here’s What My Day Looks Like.”

Many people don’t realize just what family caregivers do for their elderly loved ones all day long. If that’s the case with the person you’re talking to, start sharing what a typical day looks like for you. Don’t leave anything out and see if they’re exhausted just hearing you talk about what you do every day.

“Maybe Someday You’ll See for Yourself.”

The CDC predicts that by 2030 there will be 71 million people who are over the age of 65. What that means is that even if a family isn’t in a situation now in which they have a loved one in need of caregiving, they likely will within a few short years. If the information you shared wasn’t already enough to get the attention of the person you’re talking to, perhaps those statistics will.

If the people you’re asking for help still don’t understand what’s so tough about being a caregiver, let it go. Find other options, such as hiring elderly care providers to help you fill gaps.

If you or an aging loved one are considering elderly care in Madeira, OH, please contact the caring staff at Queen City Elder Care today. Serving Cincinnati and Surrounding Communities. Call Us Today (513) 510-4410.

Mark & Michele Vollmer

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