
How Seniors Should Prepare for Flu Season

Senior Care Loveland OH-With flu season upon us, it is more important than ever for senior citizens and aging adults to prepare. Seniors are most at risk for developing serious health complications due to the flu.
Senior Care Loveland OH - How Seniors Should Prepare for Flu Season

With flu season upon us, it is more important than ever for senior citizens and aging adults to prepare. Seniors are most at risk for developing serious health complications due to the flu. Queen City Elder Care has a few tips on how seniors can help avoid getting and spreading the flu.

Senior Care Loveland OH - How Seniors Should Prepare for Flu Season
Senior Care Loveland OH – How Seniors Should Prepare for Flu Season

• Get the latest flu vaccine: The flu vaccine can reduce the risk of getting the flu and also decrease the risk of serious complications from those who do get it. The flu vaccine is updated every year to match the current season’s viruses, so it is important to get one every year.

• Pneumococoal vaccines: The CDC recommends that people over 65 are up to date with their pneumococcal vaccine to protect against pneumonia and other bloodstream infections. Pneumonia can be a complication of the flu so having the vaccine will help reduce your risk of developing pneumonia.

• Increase hygiene habits: There are a number of initiatives you can take in your life and around the house to reduce your risk of getting the flu. Avoid contaminated surfaces by disinfecting high touch areas in your home, avoid touching trash especially used tissues, increase the frequency and duration of hand washing and do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth.

If your aging loved one becomes sick with the flu or other complications and you need additional resources at home, feel free to call Queen City Elder Care’s team of trained in-home caregivers to help.

If you or an aging loved one is considering hiring Senior Care Services in Loveland OH, please contact the caring staff at Queen City Elder Care today. Serving Cincinnati and Surrounding Communities. Call Us Today (513) 510-4410.

Mark & Michele Vollmer

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