
Planning a Picnic with Your Senior During National Picnic Month

Elder Care in Indian Hill OH: Routine and predictability are important parts of being a family caregiver, helping your parent to fulfill their goals and manage their needs in the way that is most effective for them. This does not mean, however, that you shouldn’t plan special events and activities to enjoy together. In fact, changing up your routine occasionally is a fantastic way to stimulate your parent’s mind, spend quality time together, and make memories that you can cherish well into the future.
Elder Care in Indian Hill OH: Planning a Picnic with Your Senior During National Picnic Month

Routine and predictability are important parts of being a family caregiver, helping your parent to fulfill their goals and manage their needs in the way that is most effective for them. This does not mean, however, that you shouldn’t plan special events and activities to enjoy together. In fact, changing up your routine occasionally is a fantastic way to stimulate your parent’s mind, spend quality time together, and make memories that you can cherish well into the future.

August is National Picnic Month. This is the perfect time for you to plan a picnic to enjoy with your senior loved one. Heading out for a picnic lets you enjoy some fresh air and the warm weather, get the sensory stimulation of being in a different environment, and can also be a wonderful way to bring the entire family together for a late summer activity you will cherish.

Use these tips to help you plan a picnic with your senior during National Picnic Month:

  • Check the weather carefully. You do not want to head out for a picnic when the temperatures or humidity are soaring, or if there is a threat of a storm to wash out your plans. Make sure to check the weather in the days leading up to your picnic and be prepared to reschedule your event if needed.
  • Plan the menu together. Talk to your elderly parent about the foods that they would like to enjoy at the picnic. This lets the feel involved in the experience and lets you ensure that you choose the foods that they prefer so that they will enjoy the picnic the most. If they have specific dietary limitations, research ways that you can modify their favorite picnic foods to adhere to these limitations.
  • Be properly protected. Make sure that you plan for ways that you can protect your family while enjoying your picnic. This includes using adequate sunscreen even if you are picnicking on an overcast or cloudy day, applying insect repellant before going outside, and ensuring that you follow all food safety precautions before, during, and after your picnic.
  • Plan for activities. Your picnic does not just have to be about eating. Plan for activities that your family can enjoy together while setting up the picnic and after eating. Even simple activities such as blowing bubbles with young children can be fun and memorable for your parent.

Starting elder care for your aging parent can be one of the best decisions that you can make for them as they age in place. In your role as a family caregiver, supporting as high a quality of life as possible and helping your parent to manage their individual needs without sacrificing their lifestyle or the independence that they are able to preserve is your top priority. An elderly home care services provider can help you to accomplish this goal with greater confidence and while allowing you to maintain your own mental, emotional, and physical health and well-being, and continue to take care of the other needs and obligations in your life. This is accomplished with a set of highly personalized services tailored toward addressing your senior’s individual needs, challenges, and limitations, while encouraging them to maintain as much independence and activity as possible for a lifestyle that is more fulfilling throughout their later years. This creates peace of mind and confidence for both of you so that you can enjoy a more meaningful relationship and more valuable time together.

If you or an aging loved one are considering elder care in Indian Hill, OH, please contact the caring staff at Queen City Elder Care today. Serving Cincinnati and Surrounding Communities. Call Us Today (513) 510-4410.

Mark & Michele Vollmer

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