
National Volunteer Week: Benefits of Volunteering


Sunday, April 21st marks the start of National Volunteer Week 2013. According to, National Volunteer Week focuses national attention on the impact and power of volunteerism and service as an integral aspect of our civic leadership. The site mentions that “The week draws the support and endorsement of the president and Congress, governors, mayors and municipal leaders, as well as corporate and community groups across the country.”

Volunteering is a mutually beneficial relationship and Queen City Hospice and Palliative Care values and is thankful for all those who volunteer. We would like to encourage volunteerism and point out some of the many benefits of volunteering!

Establish a Connection with Your Community

Paying it forward and helping the people in your community will not only increase their well being, it will increase yours! We all need a sense of community to feel a part of something greater than ourselves and there’s no greater way to give back than to volunteer.

Learn a New Skill

Since you are volunteering for free, perhaps you might learn a new skill you wouldn’t feel comfortable doing otherwise. You may become an expert in the area you are volunteering in which could expand your career opportunities. Or follow a passion you’ve always wanted to explore by volunteering in that field.

Meet New People

Volunteering may lead you to new meaningful relationships in your life. Whether you are getting to know fellow volunteers with similar interests or those who you are volunteering for, you are guaranteed to create a new circle of friends.

Get Ahead in Your Career

Volunteering not only feels great, it looks great too…on a resume, that is. A survey done by TimeBank through Reed Executive showed that 73% of employers would choose a candidate with volunteering experience over one without.

Whatever your reason for volunteering is, we are thankful for it. Please share your volunteering experiences in the comments below and be sure to thank the next volunteer you see!

Mark & Michele Vollmer

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