
If You’re Part of the ‘Sandwich Generation,’ You May Feel Squeezed as a Caregiver

Homecare Villa Hills KY-Congratulations, you are part of the ‘sandwich generation.’ This essentially refers to people who are raising children and taking care of an elderly family member, most commonly a parent, but it can also be a grandparent.
Homecare Villa Hills KY - If You’re Part of the ‘Sandwich Generation,’ You May Feel Squeezed as a Caregiver

Are you feeling as though you got squeezed in a vice recently? Maybe not physically, but emotionally. You have a number of responsibilities, such as raising children. On top of all that, you’re looking after your aging mother. You never planned on this, but after she was hospitalized, being that you live in the same town, it only made sense that you be there for her.

Homecare Villa Hills KY - If You’re Part of the ‘Sandwich Generation,’ You May Feel Squeezed as a Caregiver
Homecare Villa Hills KY – If You’re Part of the ‘Sandwich Generation,’ You May Feel Squeezed as a Caregiver

Congratulations, you are part of the ‘sandwich generation.’

This essentially refers to people who are raising children and taking care of an elderly family member, most commonly a parent, but it can also be a grandparent. It means you have a lot of extra responsibilities these days. Often these responsibilities are beyond the scope of what you anticipated to be doing in your 30’s, 40’s, or 50’s.

How does it feel to be squeezed?

Most people — at one time or another — have felt squeezed in life. They may have felt squeezed financially, living paycheck to paycheck and suddenly an emergency arises and they have another expense they didn’t count on. Suddenly, they don’t know how they’re possibly going to pay rent or put food on the table.

That’s only one simple example about feeling squeezed, but when you’re striving to take care of your children, instill great values in them, perhaps also working a full-time job at the same time, how in the world are you going to make any extra time to look after this aging parent?

The reason so many family caregivers step up to do this job is because they feel it’s their duty, their responsibility. They don’t think there’s any other option, even though there is.

Gain relief with the support of a homecare agency.

If you are part of the sandwich generation, if you’re feeling the pressure strike you from every direction, it’s affecting you in ways you probably can’t admit just now. You may have a shorter temper, are more distracted, and are getting far more easily frustrated with just about everything.

Your children are suffering, your work is suffering, your relationships are suffering, and the senior in your life who has been dependent on you may also be suffering.

There’s no reason to continue down this spiral, not when you understand the true, inherent value homecare offers. You can begin slow and hire a homecare aide for just a couple of hours at a time.

That will give you the break you need to refresh and recharge and it will also help that senior truly appreciate the value a quality homecare agency offers.

If you or an aging loved one is considering hiring Homecare Services in Villa Hills KY, please contact the caring staff at Queen City Elder Care today. Serving Cincinnati and Surrounding Communities. Call Us Today (513) 510-4410.

Mark & Michele Vollmer

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