
Will a Senior with High Blood Pressure Show Any Symptoms?

Home Health Care in Wyoming OH: When considering health issues and how they impact your aging parent, one of the first things that often comes to mind is symptoms. As a family caregiver, you want to know the symptoms of conditions your parent might develop so you can detect if they might be experiencing this condition, if they might need more care, or if their condition is worsening.
Home Health Care in Wyoming OH: High Blood Pressure Symptoms

When considering health issues and how they impact your aging parent.

One of the first things that often comes to mind is symptoms. As a family caregiver, you want to know the symptoms of conditions your parent might develop so you can detect if they might be experiencing this condition, if they might need more care, or if their condition is worsening.


Home Health Care in Wyoming OH: High Blood Pressure Symptoms
Home Health Care in Wyoming OH: High Blood Pressure Symptoms


Tracking symptoms is often a way to determine if a particular form of treatment or management is working effectively and to ensure your senior is getting the care they need. This, however, is not always an option. There are some conditions that do not always bring with them distinct symptoms, meaning you need to be vigilant about your parent’s health in other ways.

One such condition is high blood pressure.

Also known as hypertension, high blood pressure occurs when the blood exerts excess force against the walls of blood vessels, putting your parent’s cardiovascular system, and the rest of their body, at risk. Because this condition does not always have symptoms, however, a large percentage of those living with the condition do not even know that they have it. This means they are unable to manage it properly or seek treatment.

In some cases, your parent might experience symptoms such as headaches, nosebleeds, or shortness of breath. Unfortunately, most of the time if these symptoms have manifested it means the condition has gotten severe. It is important not to wait for your parent to show symptoms to seek a diagnosis, or if your parent has been diagnosed, to rely on symptoms to determine if they are managing their condition well. Talk to their doctor about their individual risk for the condition, and be vigilant in getting their blood pressure checked regularly so you can make sure your parent’s blood pressure is at a healthy level, or that you are taking steps to control it effectively.


Starting elder care for your senior parent is a fantastic way to enhance their quality of life,

Help them to manage their challenges and limitations in the ways that are right for them, and support a more fulfilling lifestyle as they age in place. Through a set of highly personalized services, an elderly home care services provider can give your parents the support and care they need to manage their challenges and limitations in individual ways, support safety, and health, boost mental and emotional health and well-being, and encourage your parents to find greater fulfillment in this later chapter of their life.

These services can include safe and reliable transportation to where they need and want to go, assistance with tasks throughout the home such as laundry and dishes, support with personal care tasks like bathing and grooming, companionship, medication reminders to help them stay compliant, meal preparation, and more.

If you or an aging loved one is considering Home Health Care in Wyoming, OH, please contact the caring staff at Queen City Elder Care today. Serving Cincinnati and Surrounding Communities. Call Us Today (513) 510-4410.


Mark & Michele Vollmer

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