Cholesterol levels can be a source of stress for seniors. Here is what seniors and their loved ones need to know. About 37 percent of U.S. adults have a higher than recommended LDL cholesterol level. Since this can increase risk of heart disease or stroke and seniors are already at higher risk of such health problems, it’s important for aging individuals to understand cholesterol.
What Cholesterol Is All About
Although many people think of cholesterol as something negative to avoid, cholesterol is actually a natural substance the body makes on its own. Cholesterol helps cells make hormones, digest food, and more. Besides the cholesterol your body makes, you can also consume cholesterol in eggs, meat, and other foods.
There are three types of cholesterol doctors measure:
1. High Density Lipoprotein (HDL)
2. Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL)
3. Triglycerides
HDL is “good” cholesterol because its function is basically to clear out LDL cholesterol, which can build plaque up in the arteries. Triglycerides can also cause harmful build up affecting the heart.
When doctors give patients their “cholesterol level” findings, high HDL numbers are encouraging. High LDL and/or triglyceride numbers are what is commonly called “high cholesterol” and increase risk of heart disease.
(Medline Plus)
How to Manage Cholesterol Levels
Seniors tend to be at an elevated risk of heart disease simply because of the aging process. When a senior also has high cholesterol, their heart disease risk increases. It is important for seniors to manage their cholesterol levels in order to keep arteries clear and functional.
Here’s how cholesterol can be managed:
There are a few medications that can help lower bad cholesterol levels and increase HDL. The most common medications for this are called statins.
Dietary Changes
Since cholesterol levels can be affected by what you eat, seniors with high LDL or triglycerides levels should:
• Avoid unhealthy fats
• Eat healthier fats
• Get plenty of fiber
• Reduce sugar intake
• Reach a healthy weight
Exercise Regularly
The body can manage conditions like high cholesterol better if you are physically active. Exercise stimulates many important natural processes. Simply taking walks is a great start.
If you or an aging loved one is considering hiring Home Health Care Services in Loveland OH, please contact the caring staff at Queen City Elder Care today. Serving Cincinnati and Surrounding Communities. Call Us Today (513) 510-4410.
Michele Vollmer is a visionary leader who is perpetually searching for ways to improve, so to remain at the leading edge of the home care industry.She has served in the healthcare industry since 1989, including pharmaceutical and home health sales, as well as hospice sales and sales management
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