
Are You Overwhelmed by All You’re Doing?

Home Care Villa Hills KY-For the average caregiver, feeling overwhelmed is your sign that you need to look at what you’re doing and make some changes that allow you to relax a little bit more.
Home Care Villa Hills KY - Are You Overwhelmed by All You’re Doing?

It’s not unusual at all for caregivers to find themselves suddenly feeling as if everything is happening right now. That’s the feeling of being overwhelmed and it can strike at any time. For the average caregiver, that is your sign that you need to look at what you’re doing and make some changes that allow you to relax a little bit more.

Home Care Villa Hills KY - Are You Overwhelmed by All You’re Doing?
Home Care Villa Hills KY – Are You Overwhelmed by All You’re Doing?

Prioritize Your Own Care

Your own care is extremely important as a caregiver, but that’s often difficult to embrace at first. Take a look at what you’re doing for yourself and what’s getting shoved to the side. That’s going to help you to understand what you need to change and what you should add to your daily self-care routines. If big changes are feeling overwhelming, try making smaller changes.

Talk to Your Boss

If you work for someone else, it’s a good idea to talk to your boss, supervisor, or employer. They may be able to offer you a lot more flexibility than you expect from your employer. If you work for a larger company, your company’s employee assistance program, or EAP, may be able to put you in touch with a variety of resources to assist with caregiving. Don’t count out small companies, though. They may still be able to be flexible with your needs as a caregiver.

Find Some Additional Help

You don’t have to do everything completely by yourself, even though it might feel like it right now. Look for some ways to delegate tasks to other people, whether that’s family members or home care providers. If you’ve got family members, friends, and other people in your life who offer to help, take them up on those offers.

Pay Attention to What Works

What’s working for you? It’s equally important to touch base with yourself about what’s not working. That’s where you need to be making the changes that will pay off big dividends for you as a person and as a caregiver. Don’t be afraid to try new solutions. Nothing has to be permanent unless you find a system that bust through your overwhelm and helps you to get more done.

Being a caregiver means that you’re handling a lot by default. You don’t have to take on every single thing, though. Give yourself some slack every now and then. When you know that you’re listening to your own needs, that gives you the space that you need to take better care of everyone in your life.

If you or an aging loved one is considering hiring Home Care Services in Villa Hills KY, please contact the caring staff at Queen City Elder Care today. Serving Cincinnati and Surrounding Communities. Call Us Today (513) 510-4410.

Mark & Michele Vollmer

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