
How Home Care Services Helps with Toileting

Home Care Services Hyde Park OH-One of the most difficult things adults will face as they get older is witnessing their parents age as well. If they don’t face any serious health emergencies, there will be significant changes and a slowing down of their physical capabilities.
Home Care Services Hyde Park OH - How Home Care Services Helps with Toileting

One of the most difficult things adults will face as they get older is witnessing their parents age as well. That’s because as our parents get older, as they approach retirement and move through their 60’s and 70’s, even if they don’t face any serious health emergencies, there will be significant changes and a slowing down of their physical capabilities.

Home Care Services Hyde Park OH - How Home Care Services Helps with Toileting
Home Care Services Hyde Park OH – How Home Care Services Helps with Toileting

These are clear signs that the end of life is approaching. They might live another 20 or 30 years, but watching them struggle just to get up from a chair, walk up and down stairs, or even get to the store to do some shopping is simply not going to be easy.

There may even come a time when that aging parent needs help getting into and out of the shower or simply just going to the bathroom.

Difficult challenges to address.

In some families these struggles are not going to be easy to talk about. That’s because they’re viewed as ‘embarrassing’ in our culture. Bodily functions in the bathroom are the focus of too many jokes, often in poor taste. Sure, we may laugh at them when we’re younger, more foolish, and immature, but the struggles aging seniors face with the most basic task of going to the bathroom can be frustrating and embarrassing for them.

Often, as adult children who want to support our aging parents, we may offer whatever help we can. That may include telling our mother or father, “I have no problem helping you. It’s not embarrassing to me.”

If this is about helping them get into and out of the shower or even go to the bathroom safely, that may very well be true. You may not have any emotional problem with these more intimate matters, but what about them?

They might be uncomfortable with it, but if they don’t believe there’s any other option and want to stay safe, they may just defer to your offer of help.

Sit down in listen to what they say.

In our desire to be the superheroes to our parents that they were to us for so many years, we may fail to actually hear what they’re saying. They may be embarrassed and prefer something else.

If you’ve wondered what that ‘something else’ is, it comes in the form of a home care services aide. Home care services agencies are ideally suited to offer the level of support and assistance aging seniors need with the most basic tasks of everyday life, including personal hygiene, toileting, bathing, and getting dressed.

If you or an aging loved one is considering hiring Home Care Services in Hyde Park OH, please contact the caring staff at Queen City Elder Care today. Serving Cincinnati and Surrounding Communities. Call Us Today (513) 510-4410.

Mark & Michele Vollmer

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