Sometimes situations arise where an older adult needs care during the overnight hours. Unfortunately, this can mean that a family member has to stay overnight at the senior’s house. For some families, this isn’t possible because of where they live. Or, it may simply be too demanding and be exhausting for family members who work or are raising children. When it isn’t possible for family caregivers to provide overnight care on a nightly basis, senior care offers an excellent alternative.
Situations When Overnight Care May Be Needed
There are many reasons a senior could need overnight care. Depending on the situation, the need for overnight care may be immediately noticeable, but in others, the family may reach the conclusion that overnight care is needed more slowly. Some reasons an older adult might need overnight care are:
Dementia or Alzheimer’s: Seniors with dementia or Alzheimer’s may become confused if they get up during the night. This could lead them into a situation where they are injured or wander away from the house.
Confinement to Bed: A medical condition may make it necessary for an older adult to remain in bed, either long-term or for just a little while. If they need something during the night, they will need someone to help them.
Mobility Problems: If your aging relative has difficulty walking and is at a higher risk for falls, it’s important that someone be with them during the night to walk with them and provide them support if they need to get up.
Disrupted Sleep: For older adults who wake during the night due to sleep problems, it can be helpful to have someone there to provide reassurance and help them get back to sleep.
How Senior Care Can Help Overnight
There are many ways a senior care provider can help older adults during the night. A senior care provider can:
Ensure Safety: If the older adult gets up during the night, the senior care provider can be a person to lend physical support to keep them from falling. They can also keep a person with dementia from wandering or engaging in unsafe activities.
Bring Items: For a person that is confined to bed, a senior care provider can bring them items they need, such as a drink of water or a bedpan.
Give Comfort: When older adults wake during the night, a senior care provider can be a comforting presence. They can bring a warm drink and sit with the person while they fall back to sleep.
If your aging relative is showing signs of needing overnight care, senior care can take some of the responsibility off of family members. Senior care can provide overnight care every night or on just a few nights of the week while family caregivers get some rest.
If you or an aging loved one is considering Home Care in Wyoming, OH, please contact the caring staff at Queen City Elder Care today. Serving Cincinnati and Surrounding Communities. Call Us Today (513) 510-4410.
Michele Vollmer is a visionary leader who is perpetually searching for ways to improve, so to remain at the leading edge of the home care industry.She has served in the healthcare industry since 1989, including pharmaceutical and home health sales, as well as hospice sales and sales management
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