
Home Care Assistance: Nutrition is Equally as Important Later in Life

Home Care Assistance Loveland OH-When you think about nutrition, what pops into your mind first? If you and home care assistance providers are caring for your elderly loved one, learn more about nutrition for them here today.
Home Care Assistance Loveland OH - Home Care Assistance: Nutrition is Equally as Important Later in Life

When you think about nutrition, what pops into your mind first? Do you think about breakfast being the most important meal of the day? Are you thinking about the nutrients and vitamins that are needed from vegetables? There is so much information available regarding nutrition. However, as much as you think about nutrition for yourself, it is also important to remember how vital being nutritious is for the elderly. If you and home care assistance providers are caring for your elderly loved one, learn more about nutrition for them here today.

Nutrition for the Forties

Home Care Assistance Loveland OH - Home Care Assistance: Nutrition is Equally as Important Later in Life
Home Care Assistance Loveland OH – Home Care Assistance: Nutrition is Equally as Important Later in Life

While 40’s isn’t that old, your elderly loved one should start thinking about their nutrition now. There are many health issues that are quite common in the elderly that usually start in the 40’s and 50’s. This may include diabetes and heart health issues. Some of the things that you and home care assistance providers can help your elderly loved one to start focusing on at this point in their life include:

  • Eating less junk food
  • Cooking healthier meals
  • Making tasty, nutritious snacks
  • Eating more fruits and vegetables

If your elderly loved one even starts implementing some of these tips now, it could improve their health and prevent some future health issues, too.

Nutrition in the Fifties

Is your elderly loved one between the ages of 50 and 59? If so, how is their nutrition looking at this time? Do they eat snacks late at night? Are they buying a lot of fast food or skipping meals? If these things are happening, you may need to step in and recommend they eat better. It is important that you don’t seem judgmental, however. Some of the ways you can confront this nicely include:

  • Recommending they choose healthy options from take-out menus
  • Asking if they want to have a Sunday dinner where you cook (you can choose healthy options and then maybe make a dessert they like)
  • Recommending a time where they stop eating at the end of their day (so, they aren’t eating too close to bedtime)
  • Helping them choose healthy, tasty snacks when grocery shopping

If your elderly loved one starts to implement some of these tips, it can help them as they reach their 60’s.

Nutrition in the Sixties and Seventies

Now that your elderly loved one is in their 60’s or 70’s, they need to really focus on what they are eating. Their metabolism is much slower than it was in their 50’s or 40’s. Eating healthier is vital at this age. Some ways that you or home care assistance providers can help your elderly loved one with their nutrition at these ages include:

  • Making healthy meals for them daily or at least a few times weekly
  • Asking their doctor about a referral to a dietician
  • Helping them to lower their net carbs and calorie intake
  • Making sure they are drinking enough water and limiting caffeinated beverages

If your elderly loved one makes some of these changes, it can help them to feel better. It can boost energy and improve overall health, as well.

Home Care Assistance can Help with Your Plan

Nutrition is very important well into the elderly years. Now that you know more about how to help your elderly loved one at each of these ages, you and their home care assistance providers can make these recommendations to them today.


If you or an aging loved one is considering hiring Home Care Assistance Services in Loveland OH, please contact the caring staff at Queen City Elder Care today. Serving Cincinnati and Surrounding Communities. Call Us Today (513) 510-4410.

Mark & Michele Vollmer

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