
Can Home Care Help a Senior with Hearing Loss?

Home Care Amberley OH-Having help from home care providers might be a lot more helpful than you or your senior might realize as they deal with hearing loss.
Home Care Amberley OH - Can Home Care Help a Senior with Hearing Loss?

If your elderly family member is losing her hearing she may be feeling as if life is much more unpredictable now. Having help from home care providers might be a lot more helpful than you or she might realize as she deals with this new normal.

Making Sure She’s Wearing Her Hearing Aids

If your elderly family member isn’t wearing her hearing aids, they’re not going to do her any good. Hearing aid compliance can be a big issue for seniors, but home care providers can help. There might be a reason your senior doesn’t enjoy wearing her hearing aids. For instance, dying batteries or volume levels that are too high or too low can affect your senior’s usage.

Helping with Mobility and Balance Concerns

Another aspect of hearing loss that you might not think about can be the fact that her balance and her mobility might be affected. This can be a situation that’s ripe for a fall or other injury, but home care providers can be alert for those types of problems. They can be there to steady your senior, ensuring she’s as safe as possible.

Being Aware of Safety Issues

There may be other safety issues to worry about, too. Your elderly family member might not hear a pot boiling over when she’s in another room, for instance, which could lead to big problems. But having someone else there with your senior helps to ensure that she’s aware of what’s going on.

Helping Your Senior to Deal with All the Ways Hearing Loss Affects Her

There are tons of other ways that hearing loss impacts your senior’s life, in both big ways and in small ones. Your senior’s emotions can be all over the place, for instance, because it can be more frustrating to deal with a hearing world when you can’t hear well. Or she may feel as if she’s ignored or constantly misunderstood when she goes out in public. That might prevent her from going out as often as she’d like.

Helping You Communicate Better

You and your senior might be having more trouble communicating than you realize, too. As you pick up different tricks and techniques for communicating with your senior, those tensions can ease up a bit. That helps both of you to experience less stress.

How your senior faces her hearing loss matters quite a lot. How she interacts with the world is changing and she needs assistance to navigate those differences.

If you or an aging loved one is considering hiring Home Care Services in Amberley OH, please contact the caring staff at Queen City Elder Care today. Serving Cincinnati and Surrounding Communities. Call Us Today (513) 510-4410.

Mark & Michele Vollmer

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