
Grief Support in Senior Care

Losing a loved one is never easy. Experienced senior care providers are trained in helping families prepare for and cope with the end-of-life process of the ones closest to them. Grief is very much a part of the work we do at Queen City Elder Care.  Here are a few tips we’ve learned along the way to help you work through the grieving process.

Know that there is no specific timeline for grief and everyone’s process is unique. Typically, there are five stages of grief; but when and how long you will be in each stage is unique to each individual.

Immediately after the loss of someone close, you can feel a sense of floating or out of touch with reality. Once the shock subsides and the “busy” period of planning a memorial and taking care of administrative duties ends, people often begin to feel the sting of reality. Finding help in support groups and religious rituals can provide comfort and support.

Experiencing feelings of anger and guilt is very common. Many have found that redirecting their anger and turning it into a passion or fight for a cause can help. Also, know that it’s okay to wallow. You have to go through it and allow yourself to cry for as long as needed. Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it and don’t feel rushed into making big decisions in the months that follow loss.

If you are not comfortable with support groups, there are lots of books to help sort through emotions. Many survivors suggest Joan Didion’s The Year of Magical Thinking and A Grief Observed, by C.S. Lewis.

Remember that life does not end with the death of your loved one. The road may be long and winding but you will find your way.

Mark & Michele Vollmer

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