
Are the Symptoms of a UTI Different for a Senior?

Elderly Care in Wyoming OH: Being aware of the symptoms that your aging parent might suffer when dealing with specific health problems and challenges enable you to detect when they are struggling and ensure that they get the medical care that they need to manage these health problems properly.
Elderly Care in Wyoming OH: Symptoms of Senior UTI

Being aware of the symptoms that your aging parent might suffer when dealing with specific health problems and challenges enables you to detect when they are struggling and ensure that they get the medical care that they need to manage these health problems properly.

Unfortunately, this is not always as easy as considering the symptoms that you might suffer if you developed such a health problem. Many health problems and challenges impact seniors differently than younger people, which means that they are likely to show different signs and symptoms. This can be confusing for you and make it so that you do not recognize that they are dealing with a particular health problem, or so that you think that they are facing something else, which can cause you to not seek the proper care for them. By understanding the different symptoms that a senior can experience when dealing with particular health problems, such as a urinary tract infection, allows you to be fully aware and take the necessary steps to resolve these issues promptly and effectively.


Elderly Care in Wyoming OH: Symptoms of Senior UTI
Elderly Care in Wyoming OH: Symptoms of Senior UTI


While elderly adults can and do experience more classic symptoms of urinary tract infections such as pelvic pain, burning while using the restroom, urgency, frequent use of the restroom, and chills, there are other symptoms that they are likely to experience that may not immediately and make you think of a UTI. These are sometimes referred to as non-classic symptoms and can be disrupted and even dangerous for your parent.

Some of these non-classic symptoms of a urinary tract infection that your elderly adult males suffer include:

  • Decreased mobility
  • Decreased appetite
  • Lethargy
  • Increased instances of falls
  • Cognitive symptoms that mimic those of Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia

If you notice that your aging parent has a sudden onset of these symptoms, do not discount the possibility of UTI, even if you have not noticed other classic symptoms. Bring them to the attention of your parent’s doctor so that you can ensure they get a proper diagnosis and get on a course of treatment that is right for them and their needs.

Starting home care for your aging parent can be one of the most beneficial decisions that you can make for your aging parent during the course of your caregiver journey with them. As a family caregiver, your goal is to ensure that your parent’s individual needs are met and that they are able to live the highest quality of life possible throughout their later years. Bringing an in-home care provider into your care routine with your parent is a fantastic way to help you reach this goal. Through a set of highly personalized services, this care provider will address your senior’s individual needs and challenges in a way that is best for them. This ensures that they will get everything that they need while also supporting your health, well-being, and ability to manage all other needs in your life as well.

If you or an aging loved one is considering Elderly Care in Wyoming, OH, please contact the caring staff at Queen City Elder Care today. Serving Cincinnati and Surrounding Communities. Call Us Today (513) 510-4410.



Mark & Michele Vollmer

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