Can You Help Reduce the Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease for Your Parent?

Alzheimer’s disease is one of the greatest risks that your aging parent faces as they get older. More than five million people throughout the United States are living with this serious condition and the risk of developing it increases the older your parent gets. There is no one way to prevent Alzheimer’s disease from happening, and there is no cure or way to stop it once it has developed. As a family caregiver, however, you can help to reduce the risk and protect your parent, as well as to slow the progression.


Elder Care in Wyoming OH: Reducing Alzheimer's Risks

Elder Care in Wyoming OH: Reducing Alzheimer’s Risks


Some ways that you can help your parent to reduce their risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease as they age in place include:


-Encourage your parent to eat a healthy diet. Studies have shown that getting the nutrients that they need can protect your parent’s brain and reduce the chances of decline

-Support a physically active lifestyle. Getting enough exercise protects the brain, but it also helps to encourage a healthy weight and reduce the chances of cardiovascular disease, which increases the risk for Alzheimer’s disease

-Make sure that your parent takes the proper safety precautions during daily activities, including wearing their seatbelt when in a vehicle, and using a helmet if they are going to be riding a bike or doing another such activity. This helps to protect against brain injuries that increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease

-Keep their brain active and engaged by encouraging your parent to learn to experience new things, and stay socially invested


How can elder care help?

Starting elderly care can be a fantastic way to help your parent achieve and maintain a higher quality of life for your aging parent as they age in place. This elderly home care services provider can be with your parent on a customized schedule to fill care gaps, support your aging parent through their daily needs, and help them to live the most fulfilling, independent, and active lifestyle possible throughout their later years.

Through a set of highly personalized services, this care provider can help your parent to stay healthy, safe, happy, and comfortable, and pursue more meaning in this new chapter of their life. Not only will this be beneficial for them, but for you as their family caregiver. This care can give you reassurance that your parent is in the best hands, easing your stress and allowing you to focus on other obligations in your life.

If you or an aging loved one is considering Elder Care in Wyoming, OH, please contact the caring staff at Queen City Elder Care today. Serving Cincinnati and Surrounding Communities. Call Us Today (513) 510-4410.



Mark & Michele Vollmer, Co-Owners, Managing Partners
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