
How Can You Help if Your Senior Wants to Quarantine in Place?

Elder Care Montgomery OH-Many aging adults much prefer quarantining in their own home instead of making big changes, even on a temporary basis. Here are some ideas.
Elder Care Montgomery OH - How Can You Help if Your Senior Wants to Quarantine in Place?

With the coronavirus pandemic still being a very real concern, you may have wanted to either stay with your senior or have her stay with you in your home. That idea might not have been met with the enthusiasm that you expected, however. Many aging adults much prefer quarantining in their own home instead of making big changes, even on a temporary basis.

Elder Care Montgomery OH - How Can You Help if Your Senior Wants to Quarantine in Place?
Elder Care Montgomery OH – How Can You Help if Your Senior Wants to Quarantine in Place?

Independence Is a Big Thing, Even in a Pandemic

The drive to quarantine in place can be similar to the drive to age in place for your senior. Independence is usually what your elderly family member is trying to preserve when she makes decisions like this. You could try to argue with her, but it’s much more important to spend that energy in a way that is actually going to benefit both of you.

Work with Elder Care Providers

Your senior may be far more open to the idea of working with elder care providers on an as-needed basis than she is to having you or her relocate. Elder care providers are a safe option because they’re able to use equipment and techniques to keep your senior safe from exposure to the coronavirus. They can also help her with a variety of different needs from errands to transportation help and more.

Keep in Touch with Your Senior

Make sure that you and your senior are keeping in close touch during self-quarantine. You may feel as if you’re not able to help your elderly family member as much as you want, but there are ways you can help her to get items she needs or additional help if her situation changes. It’s also important to just remind her that you love her and to share what’s going on in your life.

Reassess the Situation Periodically

This is a complicated situation and it’s one that is constantly changing. It’s important to reassess the situation every week or so to make sure that quarantining in place is still working for your senior. If there are issues that need to be ironed out, asking and checking in is going to help you to find them faster. If everything is still going well for your senior, that’s something you need to know, too.

Just because there’s a genuine need to stay at home, that doesn’t mean your senior is going to be excited to uproot herself. She may surprise you with her desire to self-quarantine in her own home, but it’s still possible for her to do so safely.

If you or an aging loved one is considering hiring Elder Care Services in Montgomery OH, please contact the caring staff at Queen City Elder Care today. Serving Cincinnati and Surrounding Communities. Call Us Today (513) 510-4410.

Mark & Michele Vollmer

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