
What Kinds of Information Should You Leave for Respite Care Help?

Elder Care in Hyde Park OH: When you're finally ready to take some time away from caregiving, it can be helpful to give your respite care help information about your loved one. But what information do you need to include?
Elder Care in Hyde Park OH: What Kinds of Information Should You Leave for Respite Care Help?

Now that you’ve finally decided to take some respite time, you should make sure that anyone taking over for you has the information they need to take excellent care of your loved one. Whether you’re getting help from elder care providers or other family members, making a list of helpful information is an excellent idea.

Contact Information

Contact information is one of the most important pieces of information you should leave with a respite care provider. You’ll want to include your contact information as well as contact information for other family members. You should also include information to help someone contact your loved one’s doctor and other medical providers.

Information about Your Loved One in General

General information about your loved one, such as her health, can help anyone caring for your loved one to be able to understand her care a little bit better. You may not want to list everything, especially if you won’t be gone very long, but it’s helpful information.

Your Loved One’s Mobility

If your loved one needs help moving around, anyone helping with her care needs to know. Provide instructions about how you and your loved one typically handle her mobility and moving her so that they can help her in ways that she’s used to being helped.

Toileting Information for Your Loved One

If your loved one has toileting assistance needs, this is essential for any other caregivers to know. Let them know if your loved one has a catheter, for example, or if she’s fine going to the bathroom on her own.

Activities Your Loved One Enjoys

Does your loved one have favorite activities during the day? Maybe there’s a particular show that she likes to watch or a radio program she listens to every day. Include that information to help other caregivers support your loved one while you’re away.

Meal Information for Your Loved One

Another important piece of information is whether your loved one needs help eating in some way or if she’s able to eat easily on her own. If your loved one has favorite foods or even if she has food allergies, be sure to include that information as well.

You’ll want to take your time customizing this information, but you don’t have to worry about perfection.

If you or an aging loved one are considering elder care in Hyde Park, OH, please contact the caring staff at Queen City Elder Care today. Serving Cincinnati and Surrounding Communities. Call Us Today (513) 510-4410.

Mark & Michele Vollmer

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