
Best Ways to Keep Your Senior Healthy as They Age

Companion Care at Home Anderson OH-Some of these details may be ones that can make a difference in her quality of life now and in the future and with companion care at home services these ideas can be implemented.
Companion Care at Home Anderson OH - Best Ways to Keep Your Senior Healthy as They Age

Is your senior aging as well or as healthfully as she could be? Some of these details may be ones that can make a difference in her quality of life now and in the future and with companion care at home services these ideas can be implemented.

Help Her to Be as Active as Possible

Companion Care at Home Anderson OH – Best Ways to Keep Your Senior Healthy as They Age

Staying as active as possible is always good advice for your senior, but that can mean different activity levels as she ages. When she’s still as mobile as she’s always been, she might be really active with an exercise plan and active hobbies. But over time and as her health changes, she may have a reduced activity level.

Look More Closely at Her Diet

Eating healthy foods is never as important as it is when your elderly family member ages. Plenty of protein helps her to retain her muscles and healthy fats feed her brain. Other nutrients, like vitamin D and calcium, help to support bone health. Talk to your senior’s doctor about what her diet needs to ideally look like and then you can make changes gradually.

Companion Care at Home Aides Make it Easy for Her to Get to Her Doctor

Speaking of her doctor, your senior should definitely be keeping up with checkups and other key appointments with all of her medical providers. If transportation is an issue, companion care at home  can be a perfect solution. When it’s easy for your elderly family member to take care of these issues, she’s more likely to do it.

Assess Her Sleep Habits

Sleep issues can compound so many health issues and can even be a source of stress. If your elderly family member is having trouble sleeping, bring it up with her doctor and see if there are any changes that might help. Things like adhering to wakeup and sleep times can make a huge difference, as can checking into what she’s eating and drinking, particularly later in the day.

Work with Her on Ways to Reduce Stress

The more that the medical community learns about stress and its impact on health, the more important it becomes to help your senior to reduce her stress levels. Aging brings new stressors into your aging family member’s life, and those can be extremely challenging. Doing things like hiring caregivers to assist your senior with daily tasks can help more than she might realize. Companion care at home services can offer companionship and help with personal care tasks, household tasks, and more.

Healthy aging is going to look different for every person and it’s likely to look different at every stage of your senior’s life, too.

If you or an aging loved one is considering hiring Companion Care at Home Services in Anderson OH, please contact the caring staff at Queen City Elder Care today. Serving Cincinnati and Surrounding Communities. Call Us Today (513) 510-4410.

Mark & Michele Vollmer

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