
Celebrate National Nurses Week


Queen City Hospice and the rest of the nation are celebrating National Nurses Week from May 6th – 12th. National Nurses Week occurs on the same dates every year with May 12th marking the birthday of Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing.

The American Nurses Association calls attention to all registered nurses during this week to thank them for their contributions to the health care system.  We all know that having a great nurse makes a big difference when receiving quality care to generate positive outcomes. A nurse is someone that can be counted on as they always rank at the top of the most trusted professionals poll. Nursing is also the largest of the health care professions and it continues to grow. According to the ANA, nursing is going to experience more job growth than any other occupation between the years of 2008-2018! Here are a few things you can do to thank the special nurse in your life:

  1. Spread the Word – By letting others know about National Nurses Week, you can help promote the value of nursing professionals!
  2. Celebrate – Hold an event in honor of nurses’ hard work and commitment in your area.
  3. Advocate – Educate your community about the important role nurses have in our healthcare system.
  4. Promote – Wear a special “I Heart Nurses Pin” to show your support.
  5. Give a Gift – A simple “thank you” or small token of your appreciation goes a long way. You would be surprised how many people forget to say thanks.

Do you have a special nurse that you’d like to thank? Tell us your story in the comments below!

Mark & Michele Vollmer

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