How to Help Seniors with Allergies
Elderly Care Anderson OH-As seniors face other challenges associated with aging, it’s important to help them with allergy management.
Three Things Families Need to Talk About Before a Dog is Added to a Senior’s Life
Elder Care in Anderson OH: Studies find that dogs do have a positive impact on health. The simple act of petting a dog can lower blood pressure and pulse.
How Can Home Care Help Your Parent After Hip Surgery?
Home Care Services in Anderson OH: Hip surgery can make a tremendous difference in your parent’s life. If they have experienced a hip fracture, are suffering from arthritis, have experienced extensive wear and tear on their hip joint, or are dealing with the lingering effects of past trauma or other issues, having surgery can dramatically improve their quality of life.
Should My Aging Mom Take Probiotics?
Elder Care in Anderson OH: Terry’s aging mother had endured some digestive issues for a few years now, and he was worried about her.
How Can You Educate Yourself with Limited Time?
Elderly Care in Anderson OH: Getting the information that you need as a family caregiver isn’t as simple as it sounds. You may find that you’re having trouble finding the time to really dig into all the information out there.