
Six Inexpensive Exercise Ideas for Your Aging Adult

Caregiver in Madeira OH: Getting a little bit more exercise doesn't have to be expensive at all. Your senior might find some of these ideas intriguing.
Caregiver in Madeira OH: Senior Exercise Ideas

When many aging adults hear that they should start exercising, they might become worried that it involves signing up for an expensive gym membership. But that doesn’t have to be the case. Share some of the ideas your senior is considering with her doctor to make sure that she’s healthy enough to try them.

Caregiver in Madeira OH: Senior Exercise Ideas
Caregiver in Madeira OH: Senior Exercise Ideas


Walk the Mall

One of the simplest ways to walk in any sort of weather is to walk around the mall. In fact, there are even walking groups devoted to just this activity. Your senior can walk in any sort of weather and she won’t have to worry about possible terrain issues, either.

Take up Gardening

Gardening involves a bit more activity than most people think. Toting plants around and weeding can actually burn quite a few calories. It’s also something that gives your senior something really rewarding to look at when she’s done. The other bonus is that gardening work is something that always needs to be done.

Look for Free Classes

Lots of community centers, senior centers, and even gyms offer free exercise classes. They might be one-off classes offered for free or they might be a regular event. Regardless, this can be a fun way for your elderly family member to try something new and to meet new people.

Use Homemade Weights

Your senior doesn’t need an expensive weight training system. She can easily use household items to stand in for weights. Water jugs weigh about seven pounds, which makes them a perfect size for lifting. If she wants to start with lighter weights, canned soups or bags of beans can be a great way to add a little bit of resistance.

Find Exercise Videos Online or at the Library

Variety can be really motivating for some aging adults. One of the easiest ways to manage variety is to find exercise videos to stream from the Internet or to check some out from the library. Your senior can try a wide range of different types of exercise as easily as turning on a new video.


Join a Community Cleanup Day

Lots of communities have days where they ask volunteers to help clean up. This can be a great workout for your senior and a way for her to give back to her community. Spending an hour or so helping out at her own pace can be really rewarding.


If you’re not able to go with your senior on her exercise adventures, she might want to consider having elderly care providers available. They can help her to make sure that she’s safe and that she’s able to do everything that she wants to do.

If you or an aging loved one is considering hiring a Caregiver in Madeira, OH, please contact the caring staff at Queen City Elder Care today. Serving Cincinnati and Surrounding Communities. Call Us Today (513) 510-4410.

Mark & Michele Vollmer

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