
5 Tips for Caregiving with Siblings

Home Health Care in Wyoming OH: There’s no doubt that having a sibling to share family caregiver duties with can make the job easier. However, it is not without its challenges.
Home Health Care in Wyoming OH: Caregiving with Siblings

There’s no doubt that having a sibling to share family caregiver duties with can make the job easier. However, it is not without its challenges.

Home Health Care in Wyoming OH: Caregiving with Siblings
Home Health Care in Wyoming OH: Caregiving with Siblings


Siblings may not always see eye to eye on just how caregiver tasks should be done or the kind of care an elderly parent needs. If you sometimes find yourself battling with your sibling over caregiver duties, below are 5 tips that may help smooth the way.

#1 Make a Care Plan Together

Hashing out a plan together can relieve some of the tension that can come up if one sibling feels like they are performing more of the caregiving duties than the other. Sit down together and make a list of all the things that need to be done. Then, split up the tasks as evenly as possible. You may even find it helpful to create an informal contract that you both sign. This can be a way of holding one another accountable for the agreed upon caregiver responsibilities.

#2 Keep Family Meetings Organized

Family meetings can be a great way to touch base and adjust an elderly parent’s care schedule and needs. But, they can sometimes devolve into a free-for-all of accusations and venting frustrations. To avoid this, family caregivers should agree on an agenda ahead of time. The agenda should address the most pressing items first to ensure they are taken care of.

#3 Get Outside Help

If sibling caregivers cannot agree or find family meetings turning into arguments, it may be helpful to ask an objective third party to facilitate a meeting. The facilitator could be a clergy person, a trusted family friend, a case manager, or a social worker.

#4 Be Mindful of Distance

In cases where one sibling lives closer to the older adult than the others, it’s natural that the closer sibling ends up doing more of the work than the others. If that’s the case, it’s important for siblings to talk about the practicalities of the situation giving where each of them lives. Long-distance caregivers might consider taking on more of the administrative tasks, like scheduling appointments or taking care of finances.

#5 Consider Home Care

In cases where siblings all find themselves feeling stretched too thin, hiring home care can relieve some of the stress. Home care providers can take on some of the caregiving duties, allowing family caregivers more time for themselves. This can help ensure tensions between siblings don’t get too high and that everyone has the time to do other things.

If you or an aging loved one is considering Home Health Care in Wyoming, OH, please contact the caring staff at Queen City Elder Care today. Serving Cincinnati and Surrounding Communities. Call Us Today (513) 510-4410.


Mark & Michele Vollmer

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